So as I sat on the couch very excitedly telling my husband this story, Jeremy looks at me and says, "I would beat you to home plate if you started on first and I was in the batters box."
"Are you kidding me?" I laughed. "No way." And then he extended his hand and I shook it.
As we laughed and stared at each other I said, "I feel very peacocky right now. If you could see my feathers they are standing up tall." He chuckled and then added, "I could beat you if I started at the backstop."
I am being completely honest when I say we were half tempted to go to the fields right at that moment and race but, it was 11:30 at night and the kids were in bed. So the bets are on and our friends are choosing sides. One thing is for sure, I used to race the boys on the playground when I was in grade school and I don't go down easily.