Friday, April 17, 2009

An observation on family life

Although I desire to eloquently fashion the following thoughts into something intriguing and creative. It just ain't gonna happen. (yeah...I used ain't)

  • Spring break brings high expectations. But, Life has commitments. Our recent Sunday was huge, and someone wisely scheduled a Newcomer dessert for Monday night. Since Jeremy and I sincerely wanted to be there we postponed our departure from San Marcos. The dessert turned out to be quite fun but, shortened the "break".
  • At the last minute, we resorted to heading to Vegas with the family. I know what you are thinking. To quote Grace's teacher : 'nothing says Jesus like Vegas' ;) She is right. Not the best from a "worldly" or "believer" standpoint but, it actually works for us. A pool, a wax museum, arcades and window shopping. We make Vegas happen. (lol)
  • Just when things are going so right...a mini-tragedy strikes. And, the victim is quite possibly the strongest member of our team.
  • Grace gets the flu...or food poisoning? The verdict is still out. But, it was bad.
  • Yesterday, in the height of her illness, the sun finally warmed the desert ( I heard it was chilly everywhere) and little Goose popped her head up and said she could go to the pool.
  • It was like a miracle!...for an hour and a half.
  • Oh yes, it full force.
  • While the boys cut out to an arcade, she profusely apologized for ruining MY vacation.
  • Right here is where I seriously tear up. She is a fighter. And, I reassured her that I was fine and wished it had been me. She shook her head and said "no".
  • Although she got sick many times and twice in the car on the way home, she thanked me numerous times for taking care of her. (I am either doing something very right or very wrong in my parenting)
  • I am going to err on the RIGHT side. Just because I desire to dwell on the positive in life. And, based on the 3-4 people who are praying that no one else get sick, that is the right thing to do. I also refuse to live in fear so...I amnot thinking about what may happen. :)
  • Back to the trooper: Grace is currently on the couch, well over 24 hours later, dutifully sipping pedialyte, eating bananas and 2 bites of white rice thus far. She insists on playing by the rules. :) No sicky since we touched home base around 4 today.
  • Which brings me to another reason for the quick spring break trip: Noah had a basketball game tonight at 9pm.
  • Yes, much too late. And, bummer thing that the "team" had to split up. Jeremy went to the game and I am CURRENTLY (as I type) receiving text message updates as to what is happening across town.
  • As I typed "team", I realized how closely we really all function. Aside from the quick trip to the arcade and a side trip to find a stuffed zebra (Grace's current animal love, and brother chose the zebra) the boys stood vigil by her bedside. Vigil sounds a bit ominous, honestly Jeremy was studying for Sunday and Noah was on his Itouch. Side note: Noah runs like a 'fraidy-cat at the first sign of vomit. It would be more funny if it weren't your daughter that was getting sick. Either way, we all hunkered down in the hotel room.

So, the boys are on their way home from the game. Noah's team lost but, apparently he played his best. I realize that is quite a random list of notes from this last week but, I really wanted to just chronicle the day to day happenings in the McGinty household. It is always amazing to me how blessing mixes with trial which mixes with blessing which churns out as life.

One last note: At one point Grace looked at me and asked, "Why?" This was during one of those 'wiggly, I can't be comfortable, I am so miserable, you are all just waiting on me and I want this to go away before I vomit again' moments. All I could muster was, "This too shall pass. It will go away." And, she said "I know."

1 comment:

RachelLynn said...

I had to laugh at this... we're going to Vegas this weekend! I don't know which is funnier... the pastor and his family trekking to sin city, or me in all of my gigantic pregnant glory. Seth thinks people are going to give him dirty looks for dragging his pregnant wife to vegas. but hey, we got an awesome deal.