14 years ago, I was in college with lots of "plans". I was in my third year of school and working toward my major. The goal was to be a teacher and my minor was Spanish thinking it would be a great idea to be able to teach English as a second language. I had a lofty idea that I would study abroad in Spain my junior summer.
Well, all the plans changed. About a week before spring break I found out I was pregnant. Apparently all of the bargains I had made with God the week prior had fell on deaf ears and I was experiencing the consequences of my actions.
As my world "fell apart" in that moment, my biggest concern was disappointing my mom. She had me when she was 18 and the warnings of the struggle of being a young mother always hung in the back of my mind. At the same time, the wrath of my father, who was the primary source of the monetary portion of my education, coupled with the shaky relationship of my now husband, Jeremy resulted in the most confusing and tumultuous time of my life.
I finished out the school year (with excellent grades, I might add) and Jeremy and I made the decision to move to Kansas City. He had an opportunity to open the first Gateway Country Store there and I thought it would be a good idea to separate myself as far from my old life as possible. The months that followed were extremely difficult. We were young and I was bitter. Jeremy worked long hours and I had a full time job at Payless Shoes. I was always so exhausted, I would take naps in the men's size 12 shoe aisle, sitting on the floor with my head on one of those foot rest thingy's. I was SO not looking forward to having a baby or being a mother.
Yesterday, my baby boy Noah Blue McGinty, celebrated his 14th birthday. It has been 14 years of joy, pain, growing and learning. Now, as I walk beside my now 150lb. 5'9" child, I know that my life didn't really fall apart, it fell together. I truly thank God that my plans did change.

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