Tuesday, December 22, 2009
A Christmas Wish
I am thinking that the arrival of 'the stocking' got this "moment" to brew. 'The stocking' is one that is embroidered with Sunshine in red and hung dutifly on my Grandma Delores' mantle alongside the names: Ashley, Seth, Carter, Cain and Brie, each and every Christmas as far back as my memory goes. Ashley, Seth and Carter are my siblings and Cain and Brie are my 2 cousins and together we make the 6 grandkids on the Black side.
So, my "moment" in the car was triggered by a classic Christmas song, coupled with the arrival of my old stocking. And, in that moment, tears sprang to my eyes. Tears of joy and tears of sadness. Something I can't quite put my finger on but, I will try.
Today, my stocking is hanging on my mantle here in Southern California. It is many, many miles from Nebraska now. But, I can still see it above my Grandma D's fireplace even now as I type. Tradition held that we had Christmas Eve at her house. It was always so exciting since we got to open presents "early". My parents were steadfast in opening our presents on Christmas morning. As you can imagine, us kids were giddy with anticipation. There were always many gifts under my grandma's tree and, "Santa" arrived on schedule each year. Oh yes, a real, live santa. Of course, it was quite some time before I realized it was our friend Tom Sherlock who posed as Santa. But, as the oldest of all, I felt very privileged being in on the "secret" and took my job at playing up the ruse very seriously.
So tonight, my mind was flooded with Chistmas memories that brought me much joy but, there is a little sorrow mixed in. I have the stocking my grandma gave me because she is no longer in her home with the fireplace. She lives rather comfortably in an assisted living home due to alzheimer's. The stocking was a gift from my mom and dad as they sift through the physical memories my grandmother kept since her memories are quickly fading.
My wish is this:
I really, really wish she knows how truly important she was is my life. I am confident she knows I loved her but, I really wish I had told her a few things. So God, can you please let her know:
I loved that she let me sleep with her when I spent the night. And, the clock that shone on the ceiling was the best thing to stare up at while you fell asleep.
I loved that you could literally run in circles in her house since she let everything go and the was an actual circular path that led through her house.
I loved that an entire wall in her entry way was a shrine to those she loved. There were pictures of everyone on prominent display.
I loved that she called a sofa a davenport and when you were sick; to the davenport you went.
I loved the oversized dictionary in the hallway. I always looked up a new word when I was there.
I loved that there was a candy dish. And, you never had to ask.
I loved that grandpa's chair sat in exactly the same spot even years after he was not with us.
I loved that she kept her fingernail polish in the refrigerator. I am still not sure if there is any logic to it.
I loved that she loved the color green. 'It is the color of money, kid.' (she called everyone kid)
And, I loved that she always gave me $2 bills for all the "off" holidays like Valentine's day and Saint Patrick's day.
I would love to wrap this story up nice and tight and put a big, red, happy bow on it. Truth is, I cried while I typed it and thankfully it has no ending. I will keep the memories alive as long as I can. Hopefully I too, will pass the torch of tradition and family to my kids and grankids. My tears are not necessarily sad tears, they are the happy-sad ones. So, I will put a green bow on this "moment"...just for you Grandma D.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
A Lunch Date
Sunday, November 1, 2009
A Change of Plans
Well, all the plans changed. About a week before spring break I found out I was pregnant. Apparently all of the bargains I had made with God the week prior had fell on deaf ears and I was experiencing the consequences of my actions.
As my world "fell apart" in that moment, my biggest concern was disappointing my mom. She had me when she was 18 and the warnings of the struggle of being a young mother always hung in the back of my mind. At the same time, the wrath of my father, who was the primary source of the monetary portion of my education, coupled with the shaky relationship of my now husband, Jeremy resulted in the most confusing and tumultuous time of my life.
I finished out the school year (with excellent grades, I might add) and Jeremy and I made the decision to move to Kansas City. He had an opportunity to open the first Gateway Country Store there and I thought it would be a good idea to separate myself as far from my old life as possible. The months that followed were extremely difficult. We were young and I was bitter. Jeremy worked long hours and I had a full time job at Payless Shoes. I was always so exhausted, I would take naps in the men's size 12 shoe aisle, sitting on the floor with my head on one of those foot rest thingy's. I was SO not looking forward to having a baby or being a mother.
Yesterday, my baby boy Noah Blue McGinty, celebrated his 14th birthday. It has been 14 years of joy, pain, growing and learning. Now, as I walk beside my now 150lb. 5'9" child, I know that my life didn't really fall apart, it fell together. I truly thank God that my plans did change.

Monday, September 14, 2009
A mouse story
I promptly headed to the store for some mousetraps. I purchased some fancy traps that were advertised as "Black Cats". Safe and effective. Safe for whom? And, if my neighbor's cat had been effective in the first place I wouldn't be in this pickle. I was a bit skeptical, so along with the Black Cats, I purchased 2 good old fashioned wooden traps. The kind that make you tense just trying to set them and make you wince as you gently lay them on the ground.
I placed one fancy "Black Cat" trap outside, one behind the trash and the back-up, cheese loaded, old school trap beside it and felt prepared. With the traps in place, I turned down the lights last night and headed to my room to watch a little television.
Less than 20 minutes later, my dogs began going nuts out in the kitchen. I sent Jeremy out to investigate and he quickly summoned me to the kitchen. "I think you caught your mouse." It is funny how he attached ownership of this mouse to me. It is probably because I was so bent on catching it and was taking the invasion very personal. I am totally fine with mice living OUTSIDE where they belong. But, once you invade my home, just know that I will win. However, I had no idea how far off my eventual victory was.
Standing in the kitchen, it was clear that the mouse was caught but, not dead. Squeaks and the clanking sound of the metal from the wooden trap was an early indicator that this mouse was up for a fight. So, I let it fight for a few minutes thinking it would surely end quick. Well, I was wrong. And, with my adrenaline through the roof at this point and the ick factor in full force, Jeremy and I realized we needed to take action.
So, Jeremy headed out to the garage and retrieved a broom and a box. His plan: sweep the mouse into the box and let it die outside and out of earshot. He then hands ME the broom and gives me the go ahead. And, like most normal women I batted and swatted and swept that mouse into the box while myself squealing and hopping and freaking out. It was classic late night drama at its best.
With the mouse in the box and hopefully on the brink of death, we headed out to the trash bin. But, after putting it in the trash and hearing it's flopping around suddenly amplified by the enclosed space; Jeremy decides that it is not only annoying it is also unsafe. After all, this is a super mouse and everyone knows a mouse can flatten itself to the size of a quarter or something like that. So, he takes the boxed mouse out of the trash and out front to die in the driveway. End of story? End of mouse?
As I head to spin at 5:30 am this morning, I peek in the box and the mouse is still. Since I am in a hurry I decide to just throw it away when I get back. Well, I came home with 2 coffees in my hands and a list of things to do before I take the kids to school and head to work so, I assign Jeremy the disposal of the mouse duty. He says he will get to it in a minute. (lots of football re-caps to go over, I am sure)
As I leave for work at 8:20, I hear the mouse flopping around in the box. You have got to be joking me! Incredulous, I run back in the house and tell Jeremy to drown it before I get back home. When I come home an hour later, I peek in the box and yes, the mouse is still there but, now it is not moving. So, even though he hadn't drown it yet, I felt relieved that is was finally dead.
Thirty minutes ago, I stepped outside to let my dogs run around and finally dispose of the vermin. And, believe it or not it was still alive! I just cannot tell you how much I am freaking out at this point. On one hand, I feel kinda bad for the poor thing. On the other hand, what is a girl to do? So, I take the drowning of the mouse into my own hands.
I fill the bucket and turning my head, I dump the mouse into the water and without looking put the box on top. Chewie (my dog) and I stand there for a few moments and I am trying to calm down. Dumping a mouse into a bucket is a bit overwhelming. As we are standing there, Chewie's ears perk up and I seriously hear this mouse start to cry. (well, it was technically squeaking but, at this point I am about to cry so we might as well cry together) At this point I am fairly confident that I am being punked by this mouse.
I carefully lift the box off the bucket and shockingly this doggone, super mouse is using the trap as a flotation device! Oh my Lord! I am thinking this can't last long so, I put the box back on top of the bucket and honestly pray it ends quick.
Wouldn't you know that I not only trapped the sturdiest mouse in the world but, it is also an excellent doggie paddler. It would do a few barrel rolls on the trap and land right side up every time. Stressed out and needing a little help, I called my mom to tell her of the darma. After laughing, she suggested the rock which now sits on the head of the mouse in the bottom of the bucket. Alas, I won.
But, I am not really happy about it. In fact, I do feel kind of bad. But, the reality of the situation is that mice don't belong in the house and in my house we play by the rules. As an addendum for all of you fellow animal lover/PETA people out there, I am sure there were other options. But, at this point I don't really care. If you had a mouse in your house you would probably do the same.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
A Return
It is still so odd to me. When your children are small you are very hands on. All eating, drinking, dressing, cleaning, changing, entertaining and playing falls on your shoulders. As most moms with small children will attest to this, it is sometimes overwhelming and tiring and leaves many moms "waiting and wishing for their kids to get older".
So, my kids are older. They do many things very independently. However, they are still VERY dependent. In different ways.
Although they are capable of being alone for hours on end, it is not a good idea. Hours alone sometimes translate into hours of television, video games and computer. Which led to a summer of me being"Entertainment Coordinator" or "Boredom Buster Extraordinaire". I really can't complain though. My new title allowed me to enjoy many beach days, card games and random trips around town just to get out of the house.
So, it is hard for me to answer the age old question: "does it get easier when they get older." My standard response is: "easier and more difficult all at the same time." The great thing about parenting is that it IS always changing.
Although, school started today and I must say I AM quite happy. Shhhh....
Sunday, August 9, 2009
A Proxy
Let me paint the picture. My son is an athlete. He plays on a level that I am somewhat unsure that I have ever played on. Now, I would like to think that when I played travel softball (slow pitch), volleyball, track and a little basketball, I played ultra competitively. And, I would like to think that I was fairly privy to real competition. But, I am fairly certain that although the sports were competitive in their time, I am confident things have changed.
Maybe it is the media. Maybe it is the hype and the highlights. But, the level of playing a sport has been elevated.
So, that brings me to today. Today Noah played game 3 of a basketball tournament.
Noah is a football player first. I am putting that out there as a defense. A shield, if you will. Because I am a protector. I am the mother who wants to yell, "Time out. Re-do. He really didn't mean to do that." Here is the rundown of the basketball games.
Game 1: 14 points. So-so play. Decent, a little upbeat but, room for improvement.
Game 2: 24 points. Awesome. Out da box (so to speak) Cloud 9
Game 3: 0 points. Decent defense. Nothing going your way. Fouled out with 23 second left.
To quote Noah, ' I laid a goosebump'. (insert giggle) No son, it was a goose egg.
And, he did. He definitely did lay a goose egg. As do many, many, many athletes.
Right. You can say this all day long. But, that doesn't change the car ride home. Or, the thoughts that go through your mind. 'I let my coach down, I let myself down, I let my dad down.'
I know the thoughts because I was the only one there. And, as we sat in the drive-thru at McDonald's I SO wanted to take his place. I wanted him to hear that these things happen. You can't win them all etc. etc. I was saying it. But, he couldn't hear it.
Yes, I can say it all day long. I can tell him that this is only a drop in the bucket. I can remind him of what he DID do. I can spin tales of my experiences. But, this is him. This is his experience. And, as much as I want to take his place in a moment of dissapointment, this is his moment to walk out.
But, it kills me. I will be honest. I want to cover him. Protect him. Tell him that it is not a big, bad competitive world. But, it is.
So, my desire to be a proxy, a substitute or someone authorized to stand in the place of him; will never happen. I am just called to be the one standing on the side. I will buy the Big Mac meal, large Coke and ice cream. I will reassure, reassure, and reassure again. I will check, and double check to see if he is okay. And, I am glad to know there is someone else who will stand in the gap.
Monday, July 20, 2009
A Trip to Nebraska

The irony of the trip is that amidst the very basic things in life there is a lot of life to be lived. Eating together, shopping, playing games and celebrating are the things you remember forever.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
A Giggle
This is a statement my husband just made when he realized I am leaving for Nebraska in two days.
It made me giggle.
First off, I do think it is very sweet that after 16 years he is highly concerned about the amount of time he has to be with me. Astonishingly, we are great friends who really just like to be together. (don't be fooled though, we do have our moments) But, I am only going to be gone for 5 days. And, he will see me on the 1st and the 5th day. Which really only leaves 3 full days of togetherless-ness. Or, is it togetherness-less?
Either way, it still made me laugh.
Monday, June 29, 2009
An absence
#1) Total mental block before the following melee. (I have no idea why...maybe just the forsight of the melee)
#2) Quick trip to Arizona. Jeremy's cousin got married. So, aside from the 10-11 hour travel time, we spent a solid 25 hours there.
#3) Vacation: 4 days in Palm Springs with Jeremy. I will quote myself, "If I relax any more, I may melt". (No offense to all you overworked and burned out people. I feel your pain. For the record, every once and a while I feel like I earned my dues) And, I just negated my melee excuse. Whoops. No craziness here, just plain 'ol brain drain.
#4) Second half of "said" vacation: After the 4 days, we spent 3 days in Las Vegas for a 7th grade boys' basketball tournament. To qoute Jeremy, "It's like herding cats." Beyond the exciting games, corraling 13 year old boys is a chore. So, not so much a vacation and now I relive the melee.
Needless to say, although there are many reasons for my absence, I am excited to chronicle a few funny things that have happened.
Right now, I am off to change laundry: Pack forArizona, unpack. Pack for summer camp. Pack for Palm Springs. Double pack for Vegas. (kids and adults) UNPACK it all=non-stop laundry.
Monday, June 15, 2009
A New Experience
- I have always been a sucker for kids' t.v. I have been watching kids' shows for quite some time.
- But, this is NOT kids' t.v.
- I am now watching tween t.v.
- Tween t.v. is very creative and a bit provocative.
- Since it is on the tween/adult innuendo side, I have my work cut out for me.
- I am watching 3 brothers try to date one girl.
- My 11 year old is watching it with me which is why I have such a challenge. (actually, I am watching it with HER)
- We are WAY beyond Teletubbies.
Well, although I can only put my thoughts in bullet points, my daughter is thoroughly loving me watching television with her. So, I guess I will tackle this challenge of boys, girls, flirting and life as it comes.
With a lot of prayer, I am confident I can handle this new phase of life. Thankfully, she still likes some animated movies.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
A Funny
This is probably pretty good on the miles per gallon and has many color options. The obvious drawback would be seating capacity.

Saturday, June 6, 2009
A Run
A little background without going into too many details. The drama and decisions surrounding church life has been extraordinary lately. Way too many things to consider and alot on the line. Needless to say, I have been in countless meetings and discussions for lots 'o days. And, today started with meeting #1 at 7:30am.
So, by the time I set out to take my son to his sports training at 10:30, I was beat. Emotionally tanked. Mentally spent. I missed my usual spin class this morning so I was physically frustrated. As I headed out the door, I grabbed a bible study, a mindlesss fiction book and dressed for a run, just in case.
As I drove to my destination, the mindless read and possible nap in the car was winning the mental debate in my head. But, the moment I parked my car, getting outside suddenly sounded like a good idea. A quick walk now sounded like a good idea.
Well, the walk quickly became a run and I ran and ran and ran and ran and ran. And, as silly as it sounds, it was MY run.
When someone passed me, I kept MY pace. When I got tired, I kept MY pace. When I was weary and far away from my car, I kept MY pace.
As I ran, the methodical rhythmn of my shoes soothed my confused my mind. The meetings and decisions were on hold. And, the goal became the movement.
The rest of the day followed the moving along theme. A meeting or two more and a decision that altered my life. Altered for the good. Maybe I should run with abandon more often.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
An accident

His truck being flipped right side:

Monday, May 25, 2009
A lag
I have a draft of the car accident in the works and I promise to finish it soon. But, most of my spare time is spent....
Surfing the net, looking for cars.
And, it is a bit challenging to blog an event that was rather dramatic without the use of voice intonation and hand motions. ;) This may be a real challenge to my creative writing ability.
But, a HUGE thanks to you who are visiting and making my blog counter count. It truly does encourage me. Feel free to leave a comment.
Or, I am fielding input on this car shopping thing....such pressure!
Friday, May 15, 2009
An epidemic?
Anyway, it was the height of the lunch hour and both lines were filled to the end. As I was grabbing my tray, a family of three ducked under my arm and hopped in line. Seriously, they ducked under me. I thought they were kidding but, they weren't.
Then, as I was filling my tray, I could not help watching this guy on the other side of the line who was apparently on the brink of starvation. He ate off his plate the entire time he was in line. Frankly, I was a bit disgusted.
Here is when I blow it as a Christian; as a person. I will say right up front that I am pretty sure this is wrong but, it is something I wrestle with. I am appalled at the gluttony of people. Yes, it is a buffet but, come on! And, I am not sure if the whole 'I am eating salad so, I can eat alot and it is okay' mentality is at work. But, I was tempted to tap a few people on the shoulder and give them a quick calorie count. They might be shocked. I KNOW I am not supposed to judge. Like I said, this is something I wrestle with.
So, my lunch turned out to be less than enjoyable. I feel somewhat guilty that I am a part of such an over-consuming culture. And, I know I am an equal opportunity consumer. I definitely make my footprint on the earth in some areas and am honestly not trying to be high and mighty.
I just think I need to go get my beets and ice cream elsewhere.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
A poem
Lightning may be frightening,
A mass of clouds bundle together. The frigid weather
has never been better. For the time has come. The
fun is about to begin. Here it sound.
The sound of thunder fills the sky. Shaking the earth
below. It is the beginning of the end. It warns
the city underneath. Scaring a little fellow. It's
the crier for the mayor, the trumpeteer of a king.
The main event is coming. The clouds are
preparing. The ears of the humans are
ringing. Finally, the yellow light cuts
through the atmosphere. The spectacle is enormous.
The crowd is the witness. Eyes are gleaming.
Minds are processing. The fantastic
view above. The animals are
watching. The yellow beam strikes
a tree. Clash! The sound is alive.
People are shivering. Grass is quivering.
Some people may be sleeping. Others
weeping. The lightning strikes emotion.
Mixing horror with excitement.
Scientist say it can't strike
twice in the same spot. But,
the earth begs to differ.
It's finished. The sky is the limit. The
fraction of a second has passed.
The mind-blowing event has vanished
leaving only small cuts on the
earth's crust. The clouds will
form again showing off the
talent once more. The rumbling
has subsided. The light has
left. The clouds moved away.
But, the gleam of light
strike once more.
In the future
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
A bird dog
Here is the dead bird:

Wednesday, May 6, 2009
A timeout
So, before I take the timeout I would like to chronicle the play by play of the day:
6:00am This was actually a late start for me. But, I justified it since I worked WAY too long yesterday. I "forgooed" (Apprentice joke) my morning run so I could help my son with homework and postpone the shower.
6:00am-7:40am Breakfast, lunches, homework etc.
7:40am-7:50am I have a literal 5 minute commute to and from the kids' school. TOTAL. I really do consider it a blessing. The other 5 minutes account for the craziness of taking 2 dogs with me. I never learn.
7:50am-8:20am I freshen up and pack my bags for the day.
8:30am-9:20am A long overdue appointment at Jiffy Lube. And, since I have this free time and I am wireless, I work. E-mails, follow-up and process queues. At this point, I feel like I am off to a good start. Accomplished and eager.
9:30am-11:30am Bible study. This is actually a high point of the day because I am doing a really great study on the book of Daniel. The side note to this however is that I have to really force myself into a social mood today. Not only do I need a "physical" timeout, I need an "emotional" one too. It is just that sort of day when I do not feel like myself and shockingly I don't feel like talking.
11:30am-12:00pm A quick trip home to change the laundry, change for the gym and let the dogs out.
12:00pm-1:00pm Gym workout. Not the best idea when you are all-around tired but, at least it gets done.
1:00pm-1:40pm Lunch in front of my computer. Finishing work. A little annoyance is creeping in because I find myself watching the clock and calculating. I despise that feeling.
1:40pm-2:10pm A quick shower. I am a slow-poke when it comes to getting ready so, this is always a challenge for me. But, I am out the door in time for my next appointment.
2:10pm-3:00pm Down to Carlsbad and back for a quick appointment. Thankfully, I am still running on schedule.
3:00pm-3:35pm Feed the kids after school snacks and squeeze in a little cleaning for the bible study I host at my house tonight.
3:35pm-4:00pm Back down to Carlsbad to drop Noah off at a gym. This is where the poor planning on my part really starts to irk me.
4:00pm-4:20pm Grocery store. Although I went to Costco yesterday, my husbands abandoned cereal bowl thie morning reminded me that I need milk. Duh. Hate that. And, coffee creamer for bible study tonight AND ice. Broken ice machine. Silly inconvenience.
4:20pm-4:40pm Clean the bathroom, swiffer the floor, vacuum and flat iron my hair. All in 20 minutes! That must be a record somewhere.
4:40pm-5:00pm Commute across town, thankfully opposite Carlsbad or I would really look stupid to take Grace to tumbling. And, we managed a quick stop at Blockbuster. I have been a victim of the abandonment of the "no fees ever" policy. Needless to say, I am gonna win this time.
5:00pm-current Blogging in my car when I should be sleeping in my car. So, I think I might do just that. 25 minutes until tumbling is over. Then, it is the mad dash to get the kids to Jr. High group and back to my house to entertain guests. Maybe after this nap I won't have to force the smile.
Monday, May 4, 2009
A thought
Swine flu.
I am actually not afraid of H1N1 (the medical address given to an ugly sounding illness). I really am not afraid...most of the time.
When the outbreak of swine flu hit, I will admit, I followed the news very closely. I would test the waters of "alertness" with my husband who would give a 'tsk tsk' and remind me of the facts. And, the biggest fact is: about 40,000 people die of complications from the flu each year.
So, when I was in doubt or feeling a little overwhelmed I would rely on logic. But, sometimes logic doesn't work. And, I am firmly convinced that logic and reason are the most clouded when it is dark. Yes, dark, like at nighttime. The same time of day when you were a kid that all your fears of the boogie man and Freddie Krueger seemed actually logical and reasonable.
Friday was a pretty busy day both schedule-wise and mind share-wise. Jeremy and I had a pretty major meeting in Temecula at 4pm and Noah had a 9pm basketball game. In between the two appointments, Noah and I needed to find an outfit for a wedding that we were leaving for at 9am Saturday morning. Technically, poor planning on my part made for a pretty crammed Friday night.
As Jeremy and I raced down the 15 freeway after our Temecula meeting at 6pm Friday night, a smidge of anxiety set in. Initally, it was easy to brush off. Since a.) I was hungry and b.)Noah was also hungry and equally anxious to shop and get to the gym to warm up. So, as my phone lit up with texts and calls from Noah approximating my arrival, I had to conciously remind myself to chill.
Abating the hunger was the first task at hand for Noah and I. He is very serious about eating light before a game so, Chik-Fil-A was a good option. Chicken tenders and a lemonade was a safe option 2 hours before a game.
Then, off to Nordstrom Rack to tackle the "outfit" portion of the night. 20 minutes later, by the grace of God, we walked out with a complete ensemble of shirt, pants, belt and shoes. Mission accomplished.
At this point, I was feeling good. Meeting: check. Healthy dinner: check. Wedding outfit: check Off to the basketball gym:check....Wait, not the regular gym, a school 10 minutes away. It sounds close but, normally we head to a gym 4 minutes away. So, 20 minutes vs. 8 minutes round trip suddenly sounds HUGE when I mentally run down the list of everything I have to do before an early departure for a big wedding weekend. My anxiety returns and heightens.
I seriously sped to the gym. As I am recalling it now, I was really an idiot. I did not get there any faster, I just wore out my brakes a little more effeciently. It makes me so crazy when I do that. I gun it to each stoplight and slam to an abrupt stop.
But, here is when the rubber REALLY meets the road. As Noah was getting out of the car, he looked at me and said, 'my stomach kinda hurts'. As I looked at him shadowed in the yellow of the overhead streetlight, my stomach did a flip-flop. This is somewhat of a "learned" behavior since he is my firstborn and when he was sick as a baby and toddler, I was somewhat of a nutcase. But, at this moment, in the dark, my fear and anxiety reach a new level. "You'll be okay," I squeak out. "Play hard, I will be right back."
As I sped back to my home to pick up Jeremy (yes, I still raced to each stoplight) I texted and called Noah.
He finally returned my call and promptly informed that a local highschool was closing due to the H1N1, aka 'oink oink' flu. At this point, I cannot win.
"How is your stomach?"
"Fine mom."
"Don't touch your mouth or your eyes. Wash your hands after the game. I will be there in a few minutes. Watch your Gatorade."
"Gotta go." and he hangs up.
He played great. 18 points out of the 26 the team scored. We made it home and to our beds at a decent time.
The sun came up the next day. No swine flu. I suddenly feel more logical and reasonable.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
A busy week
So, no new verse yet again. I have honestly lagged on my review of the others. I really need to start disciplining my time. Or, get off the treadmill. If running is a priority, I think "quiet time" should take priority.
Anyway, I cannot believe it is Thursday! I took on a big project at the church and while it is exciting, it is a bit overwhelming. I am super-big on the dreaming part of things so, the developing and design is a bit of a stretch. But, things are rolling and I am feeling quite accomplished.
A big wedding is on the horizon. Jeremy's little sister is getting married in Arizona on Sunday. So, my to-do list is growing like mad. Why oh why do I always wait until the last minute? The first thing I thought of upon opening my eyes this morning was JEREMY'S SUIT. Argh! Thankfully my dry cleaner loves me. Yes, I do have a personal relationship with Annie the dry cleaner. One of the many things my kids tease me about.
Well, I am off to squeeze in a little housework and maybe crack open my "Daniel" bible study for a bit. I promise to post soon!
Thursday, April 23, 2009
A quickie
Inscribed on this metal bell wall hangy thingy was the quote:
When in danger or in doubt, run in circles, scream and shout.
It was funny then, and it makes me smile because I still think it is funny. Hmmm. Hang a bell in a kitchen that is the home of 4 children and 2 full-time, hard working parents? I think we were all too busy to ring the bell much but, whenever we had guests in the house you know, they rang the bell.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
A Wednesday
Also, I am thoroughly convinced there are not enough hours in the day sometimes. I am having one of those "I am almost overwhelmed because I have so many things I want to do/could do/need to do" days.
Por exemplo, the things I NEED to do: clean out my closet (yuck), organize the armoir/bookcase/catch-all (yuck), purge 2-3 cabinets in the garage (yuck). Yuck, yuck, yuck. Yes, that is how I feel about those and why they are ALWAYS on my list.
The things I WANT to do: exercise (actually ran already today), yoga (DVD player no workie cuz I am no techie), read (see all of the above and below to know that I tend to get distracted)
Things I COULD do: sleep (hmmm), and blog (whoops...this is what I AM doing)
Anyway, now you might understand why I say almost overwhelmed because, I am really not overwhelmed at all. Just confused.
But, before I get all drama on you, I will tell you what the Lord has been showing me recently. "Dwell on what is good." So, I will count the run, the returned e-mails, dishes done, 1 load of laundry, 1 important phone call, removal of Christmas lights (yes, 4 months overdue and actually on Jeremy's list. Probably another blog in itself), 30 minutes of reading and this writing this blog as victories! I am fairly confident all the things on my needs list are going nowhere.
Once I post this, I am heading to my favorite chair in the quietness of my bedroom. There, I plan to read my bible, review my verses and grow in my parenting. I am currently reading "Age of Opportunity: A Biblical Guide to parenting Teens" by Paul David Tripp. I am not too far into the book but, it came with high recommendations and so far I have really enjoyed it.
Well, I am off to settle my mind and do a little relaxing. Oh, and I will share a somewhat cheesy but wise saying that was embroidered on this little wall hang thingy that hung in my kitchen growing up. I think I remember it so well because my mom was a very "busy" and clean mom and us kids would always playfully tease her for her prominent display of this saying. But, despite all her cleaning and busyness she was still an amazing mom. (yet, another blog) Anywho, here it is:
Cleaning and scrubbing can wait 'till tomorrow for babies grow up, we've learned to our sorrow. So, quiet down cobwebs and dust go to sleep, I'm rocking my baby and babies don't keep.
p.s. I actually got goosebumps while I was writing that. Silly, I know. But, next to the saying was a picture of a woman rocking a baby and I suddenly remembered rocking my babies. And, (sniff) now I am off to read a book about parenting my TEENS!
Friday, April 17, 2009
An observation on family life
- Spring break brings high expectations. But, Life has commitments. Our recent Sunday was huge, and someone wisely scheduled a Newcomer dessert for Monday night. Since Jeremy and I sincerely wanted to be there we postponed our departure from San Marcos. The dessert turned out to be quite fun but, shortened the "break".
- At the last minute, we resorted to heading to Vegas with the family. I know what you are thinking. To quote Grace's teacher : 'nothing says Jesus like Vegas' ;) She is right. Not the best from a "worldly" or "believer" standpoint but, it actually works for us. A pool, a wax museum, arcades and window shopping. We make Vegas happen. (lol)
- Just when things are going so right...a mini-tragedy strikes. And, the victim is quite possibly the strongest member of our team.
- Grace gets the flu...or food poisoning? The verdict is still out. But, it was bad.
- Yesterday, in the height of her illness, the sun finally warmed the desert ( I heard it was chilly everywhere) and little Goose popped her head up and said she could go to the pool.
- It was like a miracle!...for an hour and a half.
- Oh yes, it returned...in full force.
- While the boys cut out to an arcade, she profusely apologized for ruining MY vacation.
- Right here is where I seriously tear up. She is a fighter. And, I reassured her that I was fine and wished it had been me. She shook her head and said "no".
- Although she got sick many times and twice in the car on the way home, she thanked me numerous times for taking care of her. (I am either doing something very right or very wrong in my parenting)
- I am going to err on the RIGHT side. Just because I desire to dwell on the positive in life. And, based on the 3-4 people who are praying that no one else get sick, that is the right thing to do. I also refuse to live in fear so...I amnot thinking about what may happen. :)
- Back to the trooper: Grace is currently on the couch, well over 24 hours later, dutifully sipping pedialyte, eating bananas and 2 bites of white rice thus far. She insists on playing by the rules. :) No sicky since we touched home base around 4 today.
- Which brings me to another reason for the quick spring break trip: Noah had a basketball game tonight at 9pm.
- Yes, much too late. And, bummer thing that the "team" had to split up. Jeremy went to the game and I am CURRENTLY (as I type) receiving text message updates as to what is happening across town.
- As I typed "team", I realized how closely we really all function. Aside from the quick trip to the arcade and a side trip to find a stuffed zebra (Grace's current animal love, and brother chose the zebra) the boys stood vigil by her bedside. Vigil sounds a bit ominous, honestly Jeremy was studying for Sunday and Noah was on his Itouch. Side note: Noah runs like a 'fraidy-cat at the first sign of vomit. It would be more funny if it weren't your daughter that was getting sick. Either way, we all hunkered down in the hotel room.
So, the boys are on their way home from the game. Noah's team lost but, apparently he played his best. I realize that is quite a random list of notes from this last week but, I really wanted to just chronicle the day to day happenings in the McGinty household. It is always amazing to me how blessing mixes with trial which mixes with blessing which churns out as life.
One last note: At one point Grace looked at me and asked, "Why?" This was during one of those 'wiggly, I can't be comfortable, I am so miserable, you are all just waiting on me and I want this to go away before I vomit again' moments. All I could muster was, "This too shall pass. It will go away." And, she said "I know."
Thursday, April 16, 2009
A funny little thing about Easter Sunday
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
A verse and a report
The treasure we have is the gospel of Jesus Christ and the peace and freedom that comes through knowing him. Treasures were hidden in jars of clay which had no real value and did not attract attention to themselves or what was hidden inside. Here, the jars of clay represent the frailty of a human and the all surpassing power of God within us.
Por exemplo, (I honestly love the way for example sounds in Spanish) this past Sunday was pretty huge for our church. As you might guess there are two major holidays in the Christian church: Easter and Christmas. And, this was an amazing Easter for us at theMovement.
Over 1500 people walked through the doors of the church. And, although that number is amazing and great, the people behind the scenes that prepared the way are truly the most incredible report of the weekend.
It is always so encouraging to see people with different backgrounds, different gifts and abilities come together for a common purpose. I cannot begin to count the number people who sacrificed their time to make Sunday such a huge success.
And, as I stood out in the "courtyard", sipped a coffee in theCanvas coffeeshop, walked the kids' hallway of classrooms or sat in the sanctuary I saw many faces that reflected the treasure that was held in "jars of clay". Not always perfect, but with God's all-surpassing power, able to things greater than ourselves.
Monday, April 6, 2009
A memory verse
Today, I am "borrowing" my friend Joanne's (the simple wife) memory verse.
Psalm 56:3 When I am afraid, I will trust in you.
Short and simple and the one I need this week.
My fear creeps in at random times. And, this is a taste of how it goes. A friend telling me about her 24 hour flu. I am suddenly paralyzed with the fear that 'I am next'. Farrah Fawcett in the hospital. 'Could that happen to me?' Natasha Richardson falling on the slopes and dying. 'I did two unintentional frontflips on my last snowboard trip.' A child missing. 'Could that happen to my kids?' A rebellious child. 'Am I ruining mine?'
I am fairly confident I am not alone in my fears. Thankfully, in those moments of anxiety and confusion, I can whisper a prayer and ask for the peace of God. Make no mistake, it is not magic. Quite often, 10 seconds later I feel stressed out again. And then...I realize the only thing I know, the only thing I trust...is my saving faith in Jesus.
Since nothing else is certain in life, thankfully HE is.
Oh, and the saying goes, two other things are certain in life: death and taxes. But, based on the news, apparently taxes are negotiable. But...I digress.
Saturday, April 4, 2009
An addendum
I would like to add to the application of my last post. As you may remember, I am being challenged in my relationship with my daughter. She is very much like me and likes to have things planned out and solutions to those plans.
When there are not simple and IMMEDIATE solutions to those plans, the result is often frustration.
A story from this past week:
Grace had a project due this last Friday. She, like me, does not like when deadlines loom in the future. It tends to consume her and seep into other facets of her life.
Myself, when I am prepping for people coming over, or planning an event or simply looking at the dust all over my house, my frustration leaks into my everyday life.
So, for the past two weeks, I have been listening to the repetative: 'Mom, I have to work on my project.' 'Mom, can you help me with this?' 'Mom, this looks horrible.' 'Mom, this looks great.' 'Mom, let's paint this, print that, sew this, do that.' etc. Mom, mom, mom.
And, since I have things to do and stuff going on, quite often her edginess would greet my edginess and things would not go well. I would look her in the eye and think, 'oh my.' Or, I would wag my finger and threaten that 'you cannot talk to me or demand that from me little missy.'
Fully convicted, I took my last memory verse to heart. "Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap what we harvest."
As the project deadline loomed, Grace had a meltdown of a night. In a moment of cowardice, I sent Jeremy in to put out the fire. Unfortunately, he fanned the flame. It was 9:45pm and peaceful sleep was the primary objective at this point.
In a moment that could have only come from God, I went to Grace's room, bent down close and voiced this promise. "Tomorrow morning, I will get up 45 minutes before you and do all of the things I need to do. I will run, shower, eat breakfast and pack your lunch. Then, when you get up, I will focus on everything YOU need to do. We will button up your project and get the final things in order."
I would pay money to have been able to capture the look on her face in that moment. Crocodile tears still in her eyes, a smile crept across her face. 'Ok' she said. That was it. That was all she needed.
The next morning, we walked a fine line. It wasn't all roses and giggles but, it was a victory. We all got out the door in relative calm with smiles on our faces. And thankfully, I did not give up doing good because I am looking to the harvest.
Monday, March 30, 2009
A verse for this week
My friend, Christina suggested this verse due to some tough circumstances in her life. For me, it is a reminder to keep "fighting the good fight".
Galatians 6:9
Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.
My personal illustration/application:
When my daughter gets short and demanding with me; respond in gentleness. When my guilt attacks since I fear she learned it from me and I am tempted to lecture her; respond in gentleness. Put a hand on her shoulder, give her my attention...slow down.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
A life in my kitchen

Please ignore the ugly yellow cord that stretches the length of my home when the nighttime falls. That is my sons' direct connection to the internet that ensures his timely kills in "Call of Duty." (Yes, my son plays killing games...sorry)
So, that is a little look into the life of the McGinty's that is lived within the walls of the KITCHEN. As I am sure you have realized too, everyone gathers in the kitchen.
Monday, March 23, 2009
A verse recap, new verse and a celebration!
Philippians 4:6-7
Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition,
with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.
And the peace of God, which trancends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds
in Christ Jesus.
[I shortened the portion of the verse ;) and used the NIV translation which is my favorite]
James 1:2-4
Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perserverance. Perserverance must finish its good work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.
Isaiah 61:1
"The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is on me,
because the Lord has anointed me to preach good news to the poor.
He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives
and release from darkness for the prisoners."
My goal this week is to find a small notebook of some sort or maybe notecards to keep with me so that I can keep track of what I am learning. I am so excited to press on and refuse to be discouraged over my "forgetfulness". I would love to hear from you guys as to what your memorization experience has been. Please feel free to comment.
For the new verse this week, I am choosing one that I want to not only memorize but also put into immediate action.
Ephesians 4:29
Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for
building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.
Now....for the celebration. (insert drum roll) 12 years ago today, my husband Jeremy and I commited our lives to Jesus Christ. I will save the whole story for another post but, I thought that was an exciting thing to share. Thank you Lord!
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
A St. Patrick's Day wish

Last night, as I was tucking my kids into bed, my daughter asked me "Will I still have tumbling tomorrow since it is St. Patrick's Day?" Her seriousness caught me off guard and the whole family had quite a laugh about it. (her too)
Thanks to Uncle Jobey, my daughter thinks today is a national holiday. If you happen to know Jobey, his passion for Ireland and our heritage is somewhat contagious. So, our family has happily adopted ourselves into this celebration.
So, although Grace's gymnastics class will go on as scheduled, and we all have to work today, we will proudly wear our green today and look forward to tonight!
Monday, March 16, 2009
A verse for the week
I most certainly do not want to get preachy. And, I am sure most of you know I am not ultra-pastor wifey. But, if you ever have a question or a comment for me, please feel free to ask. I would love to hear from you. I get comment alerts from this blog to my e-mail or, you can e-mail me directly at sunshine@themovment.org

Saturday, March 14, 2009
A bittersweet moment

Monday, March 9, 2009
A confession...or two and a verse
Second confession: Due to confession #1, I only know the first part of the verse. (oopsie) But, that might have been the plan of the Lord because I have used the verse countless times in the past week.
Phew, now that I have gotten that out of the way, let's get on with the next verse. My dear friend Christina suggested this one and I am so excited to meditate on it this week.
James 1:2-4 Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perserverance. Perserverance must finish its good work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.
I would LOVE to hear from you about how this relates to your life. Please leave a comment here, Facebook me or e-mail me. And, a huge thank-you to all of you who encourage me and are joining me in adopting the discipline of scripture memorization.
And, I have decided that Monday seems a more appropriate day to introduce a new verse. Some of us see each other on Sunday so, we can "test" each other then! Have fun.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
A suprise: this still happens somewhere in America
My daughter and her friend set up a lemonade stand today. There was a little hesitation in her voice when she queried me about the idea. But, since it was at least 85 degrees today and playing Mario Cart was her current activity, I said "why not?"
As you can see from the picture, these girls dove in head first. It looked like a pretty legit operation. I must say a few things about this that brought me joy.
-it is really sweet and nostalgic that this can still happen in SoCal
-when Jer and I walked down to take the pic, my formerly "shy" girl was very boisterously hawking lemonade to passing cars
-at one point, there was a crowd of neighborhood kids hanging out. ahhh, feels like a small town in Nebraska
-a passing firetruck stopped, bought a lemonade and gave the girls stickers (an apparent highlight according to them)
-each girl made 11 bucks! Jer jokingly said, "keep setting up until the city shuts you down" (or taxes you...he added
As a parent of a teen and pre-teen, I am always happy when my kids find activities to entertain themselves. Or, should I say, do something that is a bit reminscent of "when I was a kid" without me having to say "when I was a kid".
By the way, I took my two little dogs to visit the lemonade stand and my hubby rode my sons' bike alongside. We were VERY midwest...which you know I love! :)
Thursday, February 26, 2009
An addition to the blog
So, I have been much more motivated to play around with and update my blog. My visiter counter is always fun because it lets me know you are looking. But, please leave a little comment of hello here on the blog, e-mail me: sunshine@themovement.org, or Facebook me!
And, if you will notice, I added the blog roll to my fun, new features. These are blogs that I look at daily. A little description of each, if you don't mind...
Grace Kaley- This is my daughter. She is a writer, artist, singer and creator of things. She is constantly growing and changing right before my eyes. A Mac computer in her hands is a thing of beauty. Her blog is her VERY random musings.
Kacey Luvi Makeup and Photography- Jeremy's little sister is so amazingly talented. She has truly been given a gift. Not only does she take pictures, she captures life. It always amazes me. I can see the beauty in every person because of the beauty behind the lens.
Twice a Week- Jeremy's dad is, quite possibly, one of the best artists I know. (I may be partial) I have wandered a gallery here and there and probably know little as far as art goes, but, his passion and skill shine through and it is always so fun to see his "stuff". If you head to his blog, you must click on his actual website to see some of the fine art and illustrations he has done over the years. Amazing work.
McGinty's Pub- Jobey unfailingly brings newness to his blog. He goes in spurts, I must say. But, he balances enjoyable family antecdotes with random wisdom (ie. travel interaries) and obligatory church stuff. One of those blogs you bookmark.
The Simple Wife- This is a friend from the past who is currently living in Denver. I only knew her for a short time but, her story is valuable and encouraging. She is one that I learn from.
The Beauty of it All- Again, a friend from the past. One who perserveres and has been victorious. One who struggles but, finds strength in the Lord. I have learned SO much from her.
So, there you have it. A few blogs I check each day. Maybe you will enjoy one.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
A new start
So, since I have been rescued a few times this week, right when I was ready to throw in the towel, I found the verses I want to commit to memory.
My kids tease me because I alway say "timeout" when I want everything to pause for a moment. This usually happens when everyone is talking at once, there is confusion or something is happening that I just plain don't like. I am thinking, armed with the following verses, my "timeouts" will be properly handled.
Philippians 4:5-8
Let your gentleness be known to all men. The Lord is at hand.
Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and let the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.
Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy-meditate on these things.
I have had a few people respond on my Facebook that want to join me in this challenge. So, this first week let's make this our plan: meditate and memorize the scripture throughout the week. On Sunday, I will touch base with all of you to see how we are progressing. However, I would LOVE to hear from you sooner if you have any insight, cool ways this related to your life or just to share and encourage one another. Please feel free to leave a comment here or on my Facebook. Let's see where this takes us. I am so excited to employ this discipline in my life and VERY thankful to have fellow friends join me.