Tuesday, September 8, 2009

A Return

I pretty much dropped out of blogosphere-land. Somewhat on purpose and somewhat on accident. There are excuses galore. But, the biggest reason would be the summer with two teen/tweens in my house.

It is still so odd to me. When your children are small you are very hands on. All eating, drinking, dressing, cleaning, changing, entertaining and playing falls on your shoulders. As most moms with small children will attest to this, it is sometimes overwhelming and tiring and leaves many moms "waiting and wishing for their kids to get older".

So, my kids are older. They do many things very independently. However, they are still VERY dependent. In different ways.

Although they are capable of being alone for hours on end, it is not a good idea. Hours alone sometimes translate into hours of television, video games and computer. Which led to a summer of me being"Entertainment Coordinator" or "Boredom Buster Extraordinaire". I really can't complain though. My new title allowed me to enjoy many beach days, card games and random trips around town just to get out of the house.

So, it is hard for me to answer the age old question: "does it get easier when they get older." My standard response is: "easier and more difficult all at the same time." The great thing about parenting is that it IS always changing.

Although, school started today and I must say I AM quite happy. Shhhh....

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