Thursday, December 1, 2011

Bad Mom Award or When NOT to be Cheap

Noah busted his lip in last Friday night's football game. Since he is not a complainer, he didn't really mention how painful it was until Monday. As I watched him struggle to eat, I thought about a really intensive dentist appointment he was going to be having on Thursday. (today) So, I called the dentist and asked if we should reschedule and they said that it wouldn't be necessary and that the dentist would do his best near that bottom lip. He also suggested I buy Neosporin and Vaseline to keep it clean and moisturized.

Well, I followed doctors orders but, while I was in CVS I looked at an $8.79 Orabase gel. As I read the back and tried to determine its necessity, I decided I would just stick with the dentist's recommendations. After all, I have always succumbed to buying $9ish pointless products that end up in drawers or cabinets.

As today, the day of the dreaded dental procedure, dawned; Noah's lip had still not healed and was causing him quite a bit of pain. {warning: the rest of this paragraph may bother you if you are not a fan of dental work or anything cringe-worthy} Today's procedure was to fit Noah for crowns on his 2 front teeth. But, since his front teeth have endured so much trauma the nerves override the numbing agents the dentist uses. Although he was administered two different types of local anesthetic, he could feel every bit of the procedure. As he squeezed my hand, moaned and tried to control his body from jumping, I silently cried. Thank God Noah was wearing glasses and staring at the ceiling because I was clearly not the one who SHOULD have been crying. Later, he did say that he almost cried 8 times and looked me solemnly in the parking lot and said 'I almost threw in the towel.' My heart did a little hitch right then because I watched the grinding, heard the drill and saw the blood. I said to him, 'I wouldn't have blamed you. I cried.'

When we got home, he slept for quite a while and then awoke very hungry. Of course, the swollen gums and residual sensitivity of the teeth were an issue but, his lip had been banged up pretty good and was swollen again. So, he had a shake. Then, he hunkered down to do his homework. I probably asked him 50 times what I could make him to eat and he just said that he could barely open his mouth because of his lip. At this point, I am desperate for this kids dilemma so I tell him I am going to CVS to buy this gel. He adds 'Can you buy me new smoothie mixes in case it doesn't work?'
I go to CVS and buy the $8.79 gel which is $9.47 with tax. (you see where this is going and why I really do deserve the bad mom award) THEN, I go to Vons and spend $47.55 on smoothie mixes, juices, applesauce, Naked juice thingy's and oatmeal. When I get home, I show him my array of goods and then say 'Oh let's try this gel!'
5 minutes later, he comes into the kitchen smiling and laughing for the first time today and said sarcastically: 'Mom, you're blowing it....I can't feel my lip. Good thing we didn't get this before this morning.'

Oh least we are laughing.

Monday, June 13, 2011

'I Just Want Ordinary'

I just got off the phone with my mother and I finally heard a smile in her voice and she was laughing! The past two weeks have just been a roller coaster of emotions. My first phone call to her two weeks ago was 'Oh no. We aren't going to get any of the flood water' followed by my dads booming voice in the background reassuring me that there was no way that river would ever get close to them. (although their house sits about 50 yards from the water)

Two days after that first phone call she called me trying her best to use her big girl voice but quickly began sobbing, 'Oh no Sunny. The river is coming here. Your dad had me come home from work and we are moving everything out today.' And so began the day to day drama of encroaching water, ominous river pictures, wild rumors and theories about what was really going to unfold.

Now two weeks later, she is living in a gutted house with river water at the sandbag wall but, no water in the house. The basement is a shell; the carpet is removed, the toilets have been removed, drains are capped, doors are off their hinges, pumps are waiting for water, chlorine is positioned and as of yesterday, 4 feet of sheetrock has been removed from the lower half of the wall (more on her reaction to this in a minute). But still, no water.

Here is a bit of what the conversation went like with my observations in parenthesis:

Me: Whatcha doing?
Mom: I'm on the deck. Watching the river. {giggle} Just watching the river roll by. (she adds for emphasis)
Me: So, no water in the house?
Mom: No, it actually dropped a bit. (she says excitedly) But, they released today so we will see that in 36 hours and they will release again tomorrow.
Me: Well, that is good news.
Mom: Yeah, we will see. The river runs so peaceful right in front of us because we have this little inlet. It is not just raging by like you would think.
Me: I know you would be happy and so thankful but, what if you don't get water and you did all that work? I think I'd be a little irritated.
Mom: {she laughs} I know! Sometimes I think that is what is going to happen next.
Me: Like a really bad episode of 'Punked' (she laughs and probably has no idea what I am talking about since she doesn't even know how to turn her television on by herself)
Mom: Yeah, your dad and Bill (the neighbor) cut 4 feet of sheetrock out of the basement walls yesterday. I just stood there and thought, 'isn't that a little overboard.' But, I didn't say nothing. I just let them work. It's their way to deal with it. Just finding work to do.
Me: Well, make sure dad is taking it easy.
Mom: Oh yeah. He had a couple of rough days. It was just so hot here. And, he would get up and work from dawn till dusk acting like he is 40. And, he ain't 40 anymore.
Me: True
Mom: But, he brought back my microwave today! I was just so excited. And, I went shopping at Ashley's house today because she isn't eating up all my food like she is supposed to (Ashley is my sister and that is where my mom moved some of her stuff. And, my mother ALWAYS HAS FOOD. And, lots of it. Sometimes you can't even see into the refrigerator)

At this point I am just laughing with her and she is just getting so animated and then she really starts 'Barb-ing' out. Which is when she gets a bit goofy and excited about little things.

Mom: And guess what? Your dad said if we don't get any water by Friday, he is going to bring back my washer and dryer! He said 'you know, I really think you would feel better if you just had your washer and dryer, Barb'. I got kind of teary. I would just love to throw my rugs in and wipe up my floor. You would be so proud of me. My house is kind of messy. (I can totally hear her beaming at this point and I am smiling from ear to ear. It is such a blessing to hear a little hope in her voice)

Mom: You know me, I just want ordinary. I just want to lolly-gag around and be ordinary. I'm back at work and that is so good for me. I like to focus on other people and realize how good my life really is. (she works in CAT scan and sees a lot of trauma)
Me: It's so good to hear you smile.
Mom: I know. You know I am going to be okay. There were some days where I was tempted to call the doctor and get a little something for my stress. Sometimes I just couldn't talk myself off the wire. But, I didn't. I just kept thinking 'this too shall pass'. And, I may still get water but, I am ready for it now. This has all just turned kind of normal.
Me: Well good. I am so excited to come back soon.
Mom: Me too! (5 days ago she was plotting with my sister to talk me out of coming) We may just buy blow-up mattresses and stay here! It's kinda fun. It's like we are camping. We have lawn chairs everywhere. No furniture. And, I use the lids that go on my storage tubs for food trays. And, we eat anywhere we like now! I don't even care about the carpet anymore.
Me: {laughing} You've come a long way in a couple weeks. Well, I am so excited to come back.
Mom: Yes. I have some good wine coming from when we were in Napa valley. We can just sit on the deck and watch the river. Maybe your dad will bring back my grill by then!
Me: Yay! That sounds fun. Love you mom.
Mom: Love you too. Tell Gracie I didn't forget about her big graduation day. We will do something special when you get here.
Me: Oh she knows you love her. Talk to you soon.
Mom: Bye honey. I love you.
Me: Love you too!

Here is a link to some surreal arial photos. Still praying the water stays away! But, thankful for the small victory of hearing a glimmer of hope and taking a moment to catch our breath and laugh.

Monday, March 21, 2011

A Poop Story

Jeremy will celebrate his 40th birthday this year. With this impending milestone, he was feeling the urge to have a complete physical. So, as dutiful wife, I scheduled physicals for both of us. I was due for one anyway and figured we could knock this out in one fell swoop.

A week prior to our physical we fasted before our trip to the lab for blood work. It is absolutely hilarious how much more hungry you feel when you know you CAN'T eat. I feel petty even admitting this now due to current events and the actual suffering that people endure but, I figured I would confess. After our blood was drawn, we met in the lobby and headed to the elevator. As we were walking to the elevator, I glanced down at a small package in Jeremy's hand and asked him what it was.

Jer: Didn't you get one of these?
Me: No. What is it?

{we enter the elevator with two women}

Jer: I don't know, I guess they want my poop.
Me: Jer! Shhh {laughing}

At this point I was opening the package and inspecting the directions when the little vial that you collect your sample thingy (un-used of course) falls to the ground. Jeremy, clearly on a roll at this point, says sarcastically and jokingly:

'Pick that up!' He is obviously pretending to be bossy and totally kidding around and I am seriously laughing so hard, all I can manage is another 'Jer!'

We arrive at parking level and as we exit, one woman leads the way going in our direction. When we hit the parking lot, she turns to us and says, 'You guys look familiar. Don't I know you from somewhere?'

I shoot a quick glance to Jeremy who is a slight shade of red then turn back to her and in my ultra-sunshiney voice say 'Hi, I'm Sunshine.' I totally know how she knows us but, I am hoping to duck out of this one. She introduces herself and adds, 'Oh, I go to your church!'

Me: Oh awesome! This is my husband Jeremy. Remind me of your name again. (because I have totally forgotten it in this short amount of time due to my total embarrassment)

Her: (name) It is so nice to meet you. I'll see you Sunday.

Me: Great! See you Sunday.

I turn to Jeremy and we both just look at each other and quick step it to our car giggling. We are going to blame that on on low blood sugar.

Monday, March 14, 2011

A Simple Thought

I am an internet junkie. Often, I think I am over-informed. I am sure many would agree. We have up to the minute news on pretty much anything we would like information on. And, if anything random crosses your mind...there is always Google.

Obviously, there is no need to Google the disaster in Japan. It is all over the news and in the forefront of many of our minds. Headlines read somewhat like: 'Magnitude 8.9 Earthquake in Japan' , 'Death Toll Rises, Thousands Still Missing', 'Tsunami Swallows up City', 'Survivors Hold out Hope', 'Bodies Wash Ashore', 'Nuclear Reactors Melting Down.' So, so, so saddening.

I would not ever attempt to minimize the travesty or the grief or the overwhelming helpless feeling of sadness. My thoughts and prayers are honestly there...albiet a bit detached and somehow not totally connecting sometimes. I see the images of people weeping, homes lost and bodies being carried away and I cannot really imagine the totality of the situation.

And, I hear: 'Oh, you just wait...California is next.' Or, see flooding in other parts of our country. In the news I see buses overturning on US soil while people run amok and kill each other.

So, here is my simple thought; I looked at Jeremy tonight and honestly said this: All of this chaos would normally scare me. But, I know it is inevitable. This world is dying. If the radiation comes here or an earthquake thing I know: my God has prepared a place for me. There are many rooms. If it were not so, he would have told us. Therefore, take comfort in knowing....there is more than what we see. And, God WILL bring beauty from ashes.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

A Random Recollection

It's been four months since I last blogged. Not saying this is a big return. Chances are, I will space it, or over-think it or forget it all over again. And, I really have no BIG idea for this post. Just a checking-in of sorts.

In the past 4 months:

1) Became a mother of a high-schooler: Absolutely freaks me out since I so clearly still remember BEING in high school. But, I refuse to parent out of fear and so we are chugging right along. Hiccups of course.

2) Officially have 2 teens: Another freakish but, fun event. Being 21 with my first kid, far away from my mommy with a partially paralyzed face feels like a lifetime ago. It definitely makes for some good memories.

3) Decorated a tree, in shifts, with just my daughter: VERY bittersweet but, not nearly as sad as it sounds. We still retained the 'oh remember this ornament?' fun after Grace and I did the hard work.

4) I look UP to my son: maybe for a little while longer than the past 4 months but, I have to stand on my tip-toes to see eye to eye. The oddity of this hits me at strange times. Like when he is sick and I am dragging him in to see the doctor. I am 5 steps ahead with a "man" following me complaining of his pain but, insisting we 'really shouldn't be here' & 'can we go home?' & 'can we get some food on the way home?'

5) Celebrated my 18th New Years with Jeremy: Our kids kept us up in the air about their plans so, we ended up by ourselves with no real plans around 9:00. So, an impromptu night at home...Wii bowling, music and dancing. Yes, we danced. By ourselves. In our living room. Same time, same place next year...right babe?

6) Marked our 9 year anniversary as a church: (January 6, 2002) This is humbling, amazing and merciful, There are not many words for it. It is all God. And for that, I am truly thankful.

7) Enjoyed a couple family trips: Grace competed in Vegas for San Marcos Pop Warner cheer. Her last year :( The team rocked & my girl has some killer kicks. Also, we managed to get away to Mammoth. So fun, so EASY and so bittersweet. Fun because it's MAMMOTH. Easy because they have this down after 11 years of boarding for Noah and 9 for the goose. Bittersweet because they ride without us!

Are we there yet? Ahhh...not so much. Life just keeps rolling God's grace.