Thursday, August 26, 2010

An Interesting Summer

Wow! It has been quite an interesting summer. This calendar season and this season of my life has been quite challenging. I have attempted to write one big blog post upon my return after a wordless summer but, have failed on 3 attempts. So, I am going to settle on short and sweet.

I say wordless summer because that really is what it felt like. Nothing was making much sense for a couple of months as a lot of life got turned upside down. And, you know what it is like when things are upside down. You still look at things from your former right side up perspective which just causes a bit more confusion and frustration.

So, here I am taking a deep breath on the other side of a phase of life and looking back. Isn't it always so interesting how things can be so irritating and miserable when you are amidst them but, when you get through it you look back and think 'gee, I am really glad I went through that,'?
Well, maybe that statement is made with clenched teeth and a bit reluctantly and with a different word other than the chipper 'gee'. But, you probably get my point.

Needless to say, life is always full of lessons and I got quite a "schooling" recently so, it is time to get writing. Feel free to follow my blog, comment or e-mail me anytime...

I will be posting again soon!

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