Thursday, February 26, 2009

An addition to the blog

First off, a little shout-out to those of you who are reading my blog. (hoot-hoot) I know I may sound silly but, when you write stuff, you invariably wonder if anyone will really care. So, to all the girls, and Brandon :) who has commented on my blog...a HUGE thank-you. It is truly an encouragement to me.

So, I have been much more motivated to play around with and update my blog. My visiter counter is always fun because it lets me know you are looking. But, please leave a little comment of hello here on the blog, e-mail me:, or Facebook me!

And, if you will notice, I added the blog roll to my fun, new features. These are blogs that I look at daily. A little description of each, if you don't mind...

Grace Kaley- This is my daughter. She is a writer, artist, singer and creator of things. She is constantly growing and changing right before my eyes. A Mac computer in her hands is a thing of beauty. Her blog is her VERY random musings.

Kacey Luvi Makeup and Photography- Jeremy's little sister is so amazingly talented. She has truly been given a gift. Not only does she take pictures, she captures life. It always amazes me. I can see the beauty in every person because of the beauty behind the lens.

Twice a Week- Jeremy's dad is, quite possibly, one of the best artists I know. (I may be partial) I have wandered a gallery here and there and probably know little as far as art goes, but, his passion and skill shine through and it is always so fun to see his "stuff". If you head to his blog, you must click on his actual website to see some of the fine art and illustrations he has done over the years. Amazing work.

McGinty's Pub- Jobey unfailingly brings newness to his blog. He goes in spurts, I must say. But, he balances enjoyable family antecdotes with random wisdom (ie. travel interaries) and obligatory church stuff. One of those blogs you bookmark.

The Simple Wife- This is a friend from the past who is currently living in Denver. I only knew her for a short time but, her story is valuable and encouraging. She is one that I learn from.

The Beauty of it All- Again, a friend from the past. One who perserveres and has been victorious. One who struggles but, finds strength in the Lord. I have learned SO much from her.

So, there you have it. A few blogs I check each day. Maybe you will enjoy one.

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